Library Information Services

Library Loans: All books, except reference works, periodicals and vertical file materials may be borrowed by members for a period of one month in the first instance, and may be renewed thereafter.
Reference and Bibliographic Services: Readers requiring reading lists/bibliographies or information on any of the subject fields covered by the library are provided such services.
Inter-Library Loan Services: The library maintains an active inter-library loan service with other libraries throughout Nigeria. Requests for materials not available in the library may be made through the Librarian (Readers and Bibliographic Services).
Internet Access: In an effort to increase access to current information, Internet Services are available in the Reading Room for Librarians to enhance their performance in accessing information and serving users.
Cyber Cafe: A fast and reliable access to Internet services such as e-mail service is provided in the Café at a reduced cost. The Cyber Café is open to the public on: Monday – Friday (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)
Photocopying Service: Photocopying service is available for the convenience of library users at subsidized rate.
Publications: The library publishes the INFODOC an index to current periodical articles at the NIIA Library. It also publishes occasional special bibliographies.
Exhibitions: The Library mounts exhibitions, which consist of books, photographs, newspaper clippings etc. to celebrate important events and to showcase the library collection.